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Corporate GRC IT Intern

During Fall 2023, I worked as a Corporate IT GRC Intern at Cencora (formerly known as AmerisourceBergen). I was responsible for managing the user database in Master Control Electronic Quality Management System (eQMS) for various departments at the company. This consisted of looking over user profiles, and ensuring accuracy and compliance within the system. I also contributed in other areas such as searching for ways to streamline data metrics and supervisor assignments using Excel. Excel played a significant role in my weekly activities as reports from Master Control would return as spreadsheets. Weekly, I manipulated and analyzed the userbase’s data to troubleshoot or identify necessary information for stakeholders.

The experience working part-time as a Corporate IT GRC Intern brough a set of unique challenges I had encountered due to limited hours and schoolwork. Balancing my commitment to academics and work required a great skill in organization and time management. I had to adapt and be proactive when approaching problems as each week presented new goals and projects for me to learn from. Despite the difficulty, the experience was invaluable as I learned how to communicate more effectively and thrive in a real working environment. I deeply appreciate the lessons and mentorship I have learned from during this co-operative experience and I am optimistic about my future collaboration at Cencora.


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