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1st Place- Global Harvard Case Competition

Describe the challenge/competition

  1. Indicate 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place
    1. 1st Place
  2. Name of sponsoring organization
    1. Harvard GSAS Business Club/ IFSA Network
  3. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when, what you won)
    1. This activity was completed in the months of February-April virtually. As the first-place team, we won $10,000 and admission into the Harvard mini MBA program over the summer.
  4. What you learned
    1. For the competition, we had to build a 100-page slide deck, presentation, and live Q/A surrounding a Mergers and Acquisitions Case in the tech field. From having zero experience in the M&A environment, I learned about company valuation, cash flow projections, financial modeling, and synergy analysis. In the end, we won 1st Place out of more than 150 teams from around the world- including MBA and Masters students.
  5. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals
    1. I definitely think Mergers and Acquisitions consulting is an area I want to pursue with a technology concentration. Doing that analysis and learning about the environment with little help only furthered my career ambitions in this field. As for coursework, this case surrounded companies Nvidia and AMD- two technology semiconductor giants. A lot of synergy analysis surrounded the Supply Chain space and enhancing production systems which I have learned in my Supply Chain major courses.
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