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  • Data analytics
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Data Analytics: In this course we learned to use various software to help analyze data in many different ways. These softwares include MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB and Tableau Prep. There was a lot to learn as each program used different languages and operated in unique ways, but I garnered a basic understanding of how each program worked. In addition to that, I also learned how the programs’ functions can be utilized in the workplace to help make important business decisions. Being able to successfully use these programs will give me an advantage as a candidate for any kind of job in data analytics.

Data-Centric Application Development: This course served as my first ever exposure to any kind of coding or application development. It was something that started as a real challenge, but I enjoyed figuring it out more and more as the class went along. We learned the basics of some of the most commonly used languages, such as HTML, CSS and JavaScipt. Even in a job that won’t actively involve developing web applications, it’s important to know what goes into the development of the applications that I’ll be working with.

Data Science: During this course we learned about both the increasing size and importance of data, but also how to interpret and present data in a clear, informative way. One of the main points of this course was how increasingly important data has become in a lot of aspects of our lives. Because data has become so increasingly large and important, being able to both interpret it and present it to other has become a key skill to have in the workplace, and is one of the most useful things I’ve gained from this course.

Embedded below is a presentation from the class

NBA Rookie of the Year Analysis from SeanDixon2
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