Impactful Courses
The following are classes I have taken at Temple that have had a great impact on me.
MIS 2901 – Honors Information Systems in Organizations
While taking this course I decided to switch my major to MIS. The compelling points Professor Doyle made regarding the importance of technology in today’s business environment were enough to convince me that it was a smart decision to study MIS. The most valuable skill I learned in this course was how to map processes through swim lane and entity relationship diagrams.
MIS 3501 – Data-Centric Application Development
Through MIS 3501, I learned to program web-based data-centric application. I was introduced to HTML, CSS, and PHP. During in-class activities and on exams, I developed web applications that connect to SQL databases, accepted input from forms, and allowed me to update or remove pieces of data.I learned a great deal about web design, and about data validation. This course more than any other has improved my technical skills, to balance out the interpersonal skills I have developed in other Fox courses.
Marketing 2901 – Honors Marketing Management
The introduction to marketing course that I took during my sophomore year at Temple was structured a lot different than my other Fox core courses. The course was predominantly built around working in groups – I worked with four other individuals throughout the semester to complete a number of Harvard Business Review cases. I learned a great deal from the cases themselves, since each one dealt with a different strategy, such as pricing, distribution, or product differentiation. However, the reason this class was significant to me is that it improved my teamwork skills greatly. Working effectively together was crucial to success in this course, since I was paired with the same team throughout the entire semester, and each assignment was difficult and required input from each team member.
Statistics 2521 – Data Analysis and Statistical Computing
Through this course I developed a familiarity and proficiency with the statistical software R. If at any point in my career I am working on a project that requires data analysis, my knowledge of R will be helpful. Also, this course was the first time that I had been introduced to complex piece of software and been told that I would have to master it. Any IT professionals needs to be able to adapt to a brand new technology quickly and effectively; this class introduced me to that process