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Intro to Coding Bootcamp & Tech Elevator

On Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019 I attended an Intro to coding Bootcamp. The activity was organized and hosted by Tech Elevator at Pipeline Philadelphia. Tech Elevator presented to us about the coding boot camps they offer. They have a 14-week program where they teach you how to code many different languages and by the end have employers come in looking for people to hire. Weeks 1-4 they teach Java and C#. Weeks 5-6 they are teaching SQL. 7-8 is the server-side and 10-12 is the client-side and javascript. Weeks 13-14 would be the final project. During this event, I learned that there are a number of ways to learn programming languages and some information about Tech Elevator. Tech Elevator has 6 locations in the East and Mid-West where they host these bootcamps for anyone. This relates to my MIS classes because in class we learn about programming languages such as javascript and SQL. Also someday in my career I would l like to have a job in IT, so knowing those languages would be very helpful.

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