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Activities & Organizations

Association for Information Systems


Dates Participated: Fall 2014 – Present

Position Held: General Member

“Temple AIS is the founding student chapter of the Association of Information Systems. AIS (Association for Information Systems) serves as a student professional organization, open to any Temple University student interested in a Management Information Systems-related career. AIS offers students many opportunities to promote the study and practice of management information systems including professional development, social, and community activities.”

Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda (Temple Chapter)



Dates Participated: Fall 2014 – Present

Position Held: General Member

“Phi Beta Lambda is the oldest and largest business organization and student organization in the country. We do have Greek letters, however, we are not a fraternity. We are Temple University’s chapter of the Future Business Leaders ofAmerica (FBLA). FBLA is split into four sections: middle level (grades 6-8), High School level (grades 9-12), Phi Beta Lambda (collegiate level), and the professional level (professionals). We provide our members with leadership opportunities and professional development to accomplish our primary goal, to build leaders. Temple University’s chapter of PBL is continuing to build our member base and our image to be able to emerge as an elite SPO. An SPO that welcomes all students, regardless of major, that strive to develop their professionalism and garner long lasting friendships that will help in both the personal and professional world.

Our mission is to bring business and education together in an engaging and professional relationship to improve leadership and professional skills.”


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