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Hobbies & Interests

Life would be a lot more stressful if it wasn’t for these things.



Music is something I can always count on to enhance my mood. Weather I am traveling, at the gym, or just relaxing at the house listening to music is a big part of my daily life. I enjoy keeping up with my favorite artists as well as the latest hit songs. The genres I enjoy the most are Hip-Hop,Reggae, R&B, Jazz, and Pop.





Sports have been apart of my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up playing basketball and football in my community and continued playing on my Middle  School and High School teams. I also participated in Track & Field when I entered Middle School;that is when I discovered one of my best talents, the High Jump. My Senior year of High School, I was apart of the district championship team at my school and went on to compete at the state level. My individual achievements and the team achievements during that years Track & Field season are some of the greatest sports accomplishments I have experienced. After High School I stopped playing organized school basketball and football, but I was fortunate enough to be on Duquesne University’s Division 1 Track & Field team for jumping. Since transferring from Duquesne University I no longer belong to any sports team, however that never stops me from getting involved with recreational play or pick up games. For someone who has played on a team practically all my life, I really miss competing on a team so any chance I get to play sports I take the opportunity.



popcorn-time-logoEveryone likes good Movie here and there. When I’m in the mood to watch movies, I can watch anywhere from 1 movie to 4 movies in a row. I watch almost any genre of movies; I watch old movies, new movies, as long as the plot is compelling and the production is befitting I have no problem sitting through any film. I like are movies that have sequels or are part of a series. Some of my favorite movies are series movies: all Marvel Comics series, Batman, Bad Boys, Friday, Men In Black, The Hangover, etc. Whenever I have some free time, if I am not playing sports or enjoying music, then its very likely that I am at the movie theatre, on Netflix, or watching a movie on TV.

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