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Opportunity Knocks: Acing Your Interview

On 11/16/2022, through the 60-minute live webinar(Panel) held by the Main Line Chamber of Commerce. While I met and interacted with employers in the Philadelphia region that are hiring for internships and entry-level positions, I also connected with other students in Pennsylvania. Moreover, I learned from employers about what will help me stand out in both virtual and in-person interviews. Tips to bring up conversations with the recruiters about the compensation package and the company’s culture. Build and hone your connections and express gratitude (thank you mail). During Interviews 1. Must-Do: Situation, Task, Action, and Result (STAR) method for behavioral questions, be engaged (genuine & authenticity), be mindful of punctuality and your attire-dress appropriately  2. Don’t do: Eat (Gum or Mint), Give off Negativity. Moreover, this further connects to the courses such as business communication one of the Fox requirements which I have taken in the past, and many of the related workshops and networking events I have attended within the MIS community.

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