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The Six Morning Habits of High Performers

On 12/12/2022, I took “The Six Morning Habits of High Performers” course on LinkedIn Learning.  By listening to Hal Elrod sharing the six habits of the most successful people in history, which was adapted from the podcast “How to Be Awesome at Your Job”, I acquired the approaches for silence that generate new ideas, how NOT to do affirmations, and reveals the impact of tiny amounts of exercise. Additionally, I also learned how to do simple practices, like reading and scribing, to introspect and become a better version of myself.

Under the professional skill of productivity improvement, I learned that:

    • Practice silence for greater clarity
      • peaceful, purposeful silence
      • Meditate w/ intentions/clear mind
      • Ex. showering, falling asleep (X push yourself to think
      • Stay relaxed but attentive in your silence
        • Good posture: sit up straight, sit tall, deep breathe
        • Maybe set a timer, X judging/stimuli(distractions)
        • Value: lowers your cortisol levels (stress hormones皮質醇)
        • Benefits~ amplified and deepened over time
  • Affirmations 
    • Make truthful affirmations
      • A written statement>> directs ur focus towards st. of value. 
      • truthful and purposeful statement to guide u to ur goal.
      • Practical, results-oriented, reinforce the commitment 
      • Affirmation Formula
  1. What r u committed to?
  2. Why is it deeply meaningful to you?
  3. What activities are you committed to doing that will ensure your success? 
  4. When specifically are you committed to implementing those activities?


  • Visualization
    • Use visualization to motivate yourself
    • Mental preparation:
      • visualize urself performing optimally and achieving ur goals
      • Visualize the process/activity!
    •  See yourself doing it with a smile on your face in a way that’s appealing
      • Ex. third-person vantage point
  • Exercise!
    • Boost your energy with morning exercise
      • Ex.  60 seconds of jumping jacks
      • Ex. stretch >>  7min workout!
        • Free App/ YT
        • cardiovascular, strength, flex


  • Read!
    • Read a few pages each day
    • “You’re separating yourself from 95% of our society, and you’re joining the top 5% that reads those books because you’re learning everything you need to to transform any area of your life.”


  • Scribing
    • Clarify your priorities by journaling (Pretentious)
      • App: Five Minute Journal
      • (Internal) 3 Grateful things + (External) 3 most important
      • Appreciate your current place in the journey
        • Gain hindsight: B @ peace, no matter where you are right now

In the end, I also connected the lesson above with my future career and academic plans. Continuously striving to become a better self!

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