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Spring 2019

Honors Information Systems in Organizations (MIS 2901): This being my very first MIS course, I learned the true role of an MIS professional and the various aspects of the field. I also worked through various real-world problems to understand customer relationship management systems, transaction processing systems, and enterprise systems. Because I am so interested in innovation and improving current systems, I am excited to use this knowledge of the current processes to work to improve them in my future jobs.

Fall 2019

Data Analytics (MIS 2502): By taking this course, I learned the popular techniques used by an MIS professional for data mining and data analysis. I explored various languages and programs used by professionals, including SQL, NoSQL, and R. This course showed me many approaches and processes used by MIS professionals in their day-to-day operations, which allows me to be better prepared for when I enter the field myself.

Data Science (MIS 0855): This course taught me the fundamentals of data science. Through a multitude of relevant and engaging exercises, I learned valuable information relating to data visualization, data structure, and data storage. I also learned and perfected my knowledge of Tableau and its various uses as a data visualization tool. I am excited to implement my newfound appreciation for looking at the big picture in my future career as an MIS analyst.

Spring 2020

Data-Centric Application Development (MIS 2402): Through this course, I learned the necessary skills to create a fully functional website using the three pillars of web design: HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. I plan to utilize my knowledge of these languages to have a better understanding of the internal processes that relate to MIS. I believe having this hands-on experience will allow me to make more informed and holistic decisions as an MIS leader.

Digital Solutions Studio (MIS 3506): This course taught me the fundamentals of design using various principles such as user experience and Norman concepts. I worked both independently and with a team to compile information and create a user-friendly design that applies the concepts we studied. This course gave me the necessary skills to work alongside other upcoming MIS professionals, giving me valuable experience collaborating and working with a team.

Fall 2020

Cloud Architecture (MIS 3406): This course explored the fundamentals of using Amazon Web Services (AWS) through a hands-on learning environment. I gained valuable experience using AWS by designing and implementing the following: relational database systems, virtual private networks with public and private subnets, RESTful APIs, and other application-based programs. I learned how to construct cloud-based infrastructures that apply principles such as fault-tolerance, security, and scalability.

Lead Global Digital Projects (MIS 3535): MIS3535 taught me the principles of agile project management, Scrum, and design thinking. I learned the fundamentals of project management, such as initiating, planning, executing, and controlling. I also learned about relevant components of project management, such as scope, timing, and cost. I demonstrated my understanding of these concepts by working with a real client to redesign a website for a better user experience. My group’s final website was among those chosen by the client to be used for future inspiration.

IT Governance (MIS 5202): This graduate-level course taught me industry best practices for IT management and governance within an enterprise. I learned how to manage IT investments, risks, architecture, and systems to achieve maximum value for an organization. I explored various policies and best practices from organizations such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Control Objectives for Information Technology (COBIT 5), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO). I concluded the semester by performing a comprehensive policy audit of Temple University’s Technology and Software Usage policy.

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