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Information Technology Assistant, Temple University (Spring 2020)

After achieving high marks in the course Data Science (MIS 0855) in Fall 2019, I was asked to assist with the class the following semester as an Information Technology Assistant. This position involved attending the class to assist with the in-class exercises, hosting review sessions for students, and evaluating student performance on homework and projects. This is an extremely valuable experience that allowed me to apply my skills as an MIS student for a class of 60 students. This has increased by preparation for my future career by providing a space for me to be a leader by using my MIS knowledge. I am now confident that my education through my previous MIS courses has prepared me to excel in environments where I am expected to be informed, engaged, and capable of performing MIS related tasks.

Student Intern, Alumni Relations and Development Department (Fall 2019 – Present)

As an intern for the Alumni Relations and Development department for the Fox School of Business, I get to work alongside other student interns as well as full-time employees. This has proven to be an invaluable experience, as I am gaining real-life experience working in an office. My day-to-day responsibilities include handling projects of various scale to assist the full-time employees in their responsibilities. This has increased by preparation for my future career in MIS by testing my ability to function at utmost capacity in a real office environment where I have responsibilities. I have learned that I am more than capable of handling multiple projects at once and taking initiative to complete those projects in an enthusiastic and timely manner.

Club President, Active Minds, Temple University (Fall 2019 – Spring 2020)

Active Minds at Temple University is a mental health organization striving to decrease the stigma around mental health on Temple’s campus. As president, I helped supervise the club as a whole to ensure we were achieving our mission of erasing the stigma around mental health through a variety of methods, including general body meetings, large-scale events, speakers, fundraisers, and social media engagement.

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