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Hobbies & Interests

classical guitar

Acoustic and Electric Guitar 

I have been playing the acoustic and electric guitar since I was 8 years old. After being exposed to both for many years I finally began to favor the acoustic guitar over the electric. I enjoy playing a wide array of both classical and modern music.






racquetball picture


Early last year I developed an interest in Racquetball.  Since then I have been constantly working to better my form and enhance my performance. I hope to be able to participate  in the next Temple sponsored tournament and use the experience to further improve my skill level.





Coding coding picture

I recently completed my first course in PHP coding and found that I really enjoy the subject.  I am currently working to further develop my knowledge of PHP while also expanding my knowledge into new languages as well. At this point in time I have comprehension of HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL and JavaScript and hope to grow and expand this comprehension into other categories in the coming years.



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