Community Platform
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Data analytics
  • Project management
  • Risk management
This Year
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1490 Points
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Fall 2018

  • STAT 1102 – Quantitative Methods for Business II
  • HRM 1101 –  Leadership and Organizational Management
  • LGLS 1101 – Legal Environment of Business
  • ECON 1101 – Macroeconomics Principles

Spring 2019

  • ECON 1102 – Microeconomics Principles
  • STAT 2103 – Statistical Business Analytics
  • MIS 0855 – Data Science
  • MIS 2101 – Information Systems in Organizations

Fall 2019

  • MIS 2402 – Data-Centric Application Development
  • MIS 2502 – Data Analytics


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