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  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Data analytics
  • Project management
  • Risk management
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My Interests


Currently, I am interested in many different areas of business. I have been a part of many SPOs at Temple University including Ascend and International Business Association (IBA). These SPOs have helped me grow my knowledge of different business opportunities at companies and expand my personal network.

Also, I have found a new hobby of participating in case competitions. In the current Spring semester of 2019, I had the pleasure of participating in my first case competition for PwC. This experience allowed me to create a presentation for PwC executives and broaden my professional network. The competition gave me the opportunity to come out of my comfort zone and meet new people in the process. Specifically, I was able to improve my presentation, data analysis, and teamwork skills.

here is a link to view my PwC Case Competition presentation! PWC Challenge Feb. 2019

More information about Pwc Case Competition!

Besides my professional interests, my hobbies include creating art in my free time. All throughout high school, I had the pleasure of taking several different art classes. During senior year, I took the AP test for Studio Art: 2D design. I am proud to say I recieved a 5 on the AP examination.

Here are some pieces from my art portfolio!


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