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Philadelphia Tech Summit

I attended the Philadelphia Tech Summit this past Friday, March 29, 2019, at the Rittenhouse Hotel in downtown Philly. The conference focused on evolving and emerging technologies and the companies that are providing these services. Products and services included Telecom, Enterprise Cloud Solutions, CyberSecurity for Unusual IoT endpoints, Audio Visual Systems, Data Center Maintenance, etc. There were over  25+ vendors and fantastic giveaways at the conclusion of the conference. Exposure to these vendors and their products and services demonstrates the capabilities of the topics we learn about in our MIS program. For example, Data Center Maintenance is directly related as we\’ve all had a tour of Temple\’s Data Center and now understand, at a very high level, it\’s infrastructure and the requirement of the software that it takes to manage its performance. Indirectly the Audio/Visual  Systems presentations related to my education because we use class capture regularly and the audio can be choppy or the video can have a whiplash effect when tracking a professor across the room. It\’s nice to see the evolution of that technology, even though it comes at a steep price to implement or update. I thoroughly enjoyed the Summit. I hope to attend again next year and see how technology and these companies have progressed!

\"List List of Vendors at The Philadelphia Tech Summit

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