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My Interests


Engineering: Ever since I was young I’ve had a fascination with taking things apart and putting them back together to understand how they work. This hobby carried me far in high school as part of our school’s TSA (technical student association) chapter’s engineering team, and in related classes such as honors engineering and product design. This also carried over into my college years as I completed two years of Temple University’s Mechanical Engineering program before transferring to Fox.

Computer Programming: During high school I developed a fondness for computer programming and software development. I competed on both the video game design and software development teams as part of our school’s TSA chapter. I competed at the national level in both of these events at the 2015 TSA conference in Dallas, Texas. My main interests within the programming field pertain to video game design and artificial intelligence (genetic algorithms).

Digital Artwork and Design: I am a completely self taught digital artist. It serves as a hobby, great stress relief, and a source of income when I can find commission work. My spritework was featured in the aforementioned video game products I undertook in high-school.

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