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PWC Challenge, Case Competition

I participated in PWC’s case competition called Challenge. PWC presented my team of 4 with a real-world problem for a fictitious company. The fictitious company Fleetwings Inc. was moving headquarters to a brand new location (just like how Amazon is). There were 3 cities under consideration, each of which we had to analyze the data that was given to us and take into account many outside factors like employee happiness, moving costs, and environmental repercussions from moving. We had a little under two weeks to develop a 10-minute presentation addressing all the company’s needs and concerns. The main goals of this project were to analyze data to formulate a decision just from the raw data provided and to display data in a visually pleasing way so it would be easily interpreted by the presentation judges. Included is the slide deck for the presentation and the team summary of how we came to our decision.

This event showed me the importance of collaborating with a new group of people who you have no prior experience with. My presentation skills have improved a lot because of this, I got very comfortable when presenting to the judges. I would do more case competitions like this in the future.

FY19 Challenge General Business Challenge Case

PWC Case Competition- Relocation Summary

PWC Challenge Slides

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