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Big Data Analytics

With so much data in the world, businesses are in need of a more efficient way to process and analyze all the data within their company. The new form of analytics is, Big Data Analytics, which is simply an operational database that stores and processes data for applications that produces large amounts of unorganized data more effectively and efficiently. With technology expanding, so is the process in which the data is stored to handle the new operations. With the advancements such as mobile devices, laptops and other portable devices there is an increasing need for a faster and more efficient method to retract and analyze data. Big Data Analytics will now provide companies with better quality information, quicker analysis and many safety enhanced features. It will reduce the time to launch new applications, combined multiple data sources together and allow people to extract and retrieve data more efficiently and effectively.
The system of Big Data Analytics relates too many of the topics we covered in MIS2502. We learned that businesses need data analytics to sort and extract information to help make the company run more efficiently and effectively. It relates primarily to data warehousing and data mining in which we covered this semester in MIS2502. Big Data Analytics is a more advanced system to data warehousing as it acknowledges that traditional data warehousing systems are running too slowly and are not large enough to hold the capacity of information companies withhold. Data Warehouses hold the data until it is needed for analysis, through Big Data Analytics; it makes this process quicker and more effective. It also relates to data mining because it extracts and analyzes information more effectively and efficiently than other traditional methods.
The Case Study I researched was Google Offers Big- Data Analytics. In the article Google is implanting the Big Data Analytics in order to compete with other online services such as Amazon that are selling products at a faster rate. Amazon recently began offering databases and storage appliances that are faster and easier to use. Google no longer wants to gain their revenue through advertisements and are hoping to impetrate the cloud to more executives in order to make their businesses run more efficiently.

Works Cited:
Hardy, Quentin. “Google Offers Big-Data Analytics.” Bits Blog. 1 May 2012. Web. 01 May 2012. .
Webster, John. “Understanding Big Data Analytics.” Storage Technology Information, News and Tips. Aug. 2011. Web. 01 May 2012. .

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