Supply Chain at Internet Speed Case

MIS 3537

 Internet Enabled Supply Chains

Spring 2016

Due Date: January 28, 2016

Refer to the case “ Developing a Supply Chain to Deliver WOW!”. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Is Zappos mainly a pull or a push supply chain? With illustration of Zappos’ current supply chain, show the push-pull boundary of Zappos? Also show the push-pull boundary of Zappos’ Drop Ship model.

2. Show the evolution of Zappos’ supply chain in a diagram. What changes did Zappos make in its supply chain? Do you think that these changes are justified?

3. What are Zappos’ core competencies and sources of competitive advantage? How sustainable are they?

4. How would you expand the business? Would you add more products, more geographies, or by selling private labels?

5. How would you expect the environment of a more cost conscious customers to affect Zappos’ business? What can Zappos’ do to maintain sales in such an environment?

All groups (expect the group making the presentation) are required to submit a printout of their answers to the instructor at the beginning of the class. Also, be prepared to discuss the case in the class.

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