Starbucks Brews Wireless Charging
“Starbucks Brews Wireless Charging” – CNBC
Softbank stores in Japan all have charging stations, where people can go and plug in their iPhone and charge for 30 minutes for free. I used it when I was traveling and was using my phone to take pictures but the battery died on me early in the evening. The charging stations there feature little compartments, where you phone is plugged into the power adapter and then the compartment closes and is locked with a passcode that you set.
For some reason, Starbucks’ offer of wireless charging reminded me a little of that experience.
I think from this one can see that Starbucks is not just a coffee business; what they sell to the consumers is not coffee but a space: a space for them to relax, recharge (emotionally), and hangout with friends. And now this space is added with a new convenience to the consumers.
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