Senior | Management Information Systems & Risk Management and Insurance | May 2016

Hobbies and Interests


A piece I made and entered into the MCG Invitational Arts Exhibition

In high school, I attended The Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild (MCG)– a nonprofit organization — for ceramic lessons and have learned and fallen in love with throwing pottery (that’s the term we use in the studio to describe making pieces on the wheel; we don’t literally throw the clay around). I spent about 6 hours every week in the studio, where I have practiced and became more skilled at creating the pieces. Some of the ceramics classes also contained cultural components so that as I learned and practiced the skills I was also exposed to the history behind the art as well as how it was incorporated into the everyday life in different cultures during different time periods.

When I’m not on the wheel making pottery, I enjoy watching crime fiction drama and reading mystery novels. During my study abroad in Tokyo, I have started to read mystery novels in Japanese in order to practice using the language but it is proceeding at a very slow speed.




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