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Learning SQL Development

In the course “Learning SQL Development” by Brad Wheeler, I got to learn the basics of MySQL database. This course provided an overview of MySQL tools and techniques for software development. I learnt what a database is and how it’s structured and explore the data types underlying MySQL records. Additionally,  this course also taught on how to create tables, define primary and foreign keys, and load data from external sources. The instructor further walked through the basics of writing queries and statements to select, update, delete, and transform data. Lastly, I also got an introduction to advanced concepts such as joining existing tables. By the end of this course, I learnt the basic skills to create and maintain my own MySQL databases. In addition to that, this course was also a continuation of what I have learned in MIS2502 about MySQL tools and techniques. There was a lot of new material that I learnt apart from what was taught in MIS2502. In MIS2502, we only learned how to retrieve data, but in this course I also learnt how to create tables, define primary and foreign keys as well as loading data from external sources.

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