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Information Technology Assistant – Temple MIS Department

Information Technology Assistant

      August 2020 – Present

    MIS 2101: Digital Systems || MIS 2901: Honors Digital Systems

In August 2020, I have became an Information Systems Assistant for both MIS 2101 and 2901. My responsibilities between both sections of the course includes reviewing over 100 assignments, labs, and activities and assisting the professors with class lectures and in-class activities. My other responsibility consists of holding office hours one time each week for over 100 students to be able to come and ask questions about course work, assignment, and in depth explanations about topics such as Entity Relationship Diagrams, Java Script, HTML, and CSS. On top of this, I answer emails from students concerning assignment questions and support any of their needs in order for them to succeed in the class. I always go above and beyond with helping the professor set up grading Excel sheets, completing my duties efficiently and accurately, and explaining different aspects of the course to students.

I thoroughly enjoy my role as an ITA because of my ability to help students understand basic Management Information Systems concepts that I am extremely passionate. The main idea of this class is to show students how useful and integrated information systems are in all parts of businesses. I am very passionate about this idea and enjoy being able to show students how each topic they learn can be used in their future career. I enjoy working closely with the professors and other ITA, along with the MIS department.










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