Community Platform
  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Application development
  • Application service providers (ASP)
  • Business analysis
  • more...
This Year
No Points
1220 Points
MIS Badge

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My Latest Resume as of 10.06.16

My Latest Resume as of 10.06.16

    • Other Career FairFall 2017
      Spring 2017
      Spring 2016

    • IT Career FairFall 2017
      Fall 2016

    • AIS committee memberSpring 2017
      Fall 2016

    • National AIS CompetitionSpring 2017

    • Active AIS memberFall 2016
      Spring 2016

    • IBIT challenge or conferenceFall 2016

    • My Latest Resume as of 10.06.16 Fall 2016

    • Assist with department eventFall 2016

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