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Resume-Building Workshop

  1. Name of sponsoring organization
    • The Women’s Network (TWN) – The Women’s Network (TWN) is committed to changing the way women network. In creating a supportive, non-competitive community, they lift women up, creating a more proactive way of communicating and networking. Ultimately, their goal is to prepare women to achieve professional success, while cultivating and celebrating their ambition.
  2. Details of the activity: 
    • Event: Resume-Building Workshop (Career Fair Prep) hosted by The Women’s Network to prepare TWN members seeking summer internships and full time jobs for the TWN Virtual Career Fair.
    • When: February 21, 2023 @8:00pm EST
    • Where: Zoom
  3. What you learned: 
    1. How to properly format my resume and CV
    2. How to highlight my strengths, skills, and achievements
    3. How to share my resume with employers and improve my LinkedIn profile
  4. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals
    • My resume allows me to list all of my achievements, internships, and experiences as an MIS student, leader, and employee to employers. I have been preparing for jobs in Business-Technology, specifically Technology Consulting, my entire college career and I want employers to see that.
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