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Build Better Technology Adoption Through an Enablement Continuum

The webinar was conducted by Gartner, Inc., a global research and advisory firm named “Build Better Technology Adoption Through an Enablement Continuum”. The session was led by Joe Mariano and focused on building better adoption through an enablement continuum. The goal was to train participants to intuitively solve technology issues or adjust as updates happen, much like a 15-year-old would. The session emphasized the importance of being consciously interested in learning how to use technology. During the session, a poll was conducted asking participants about the kind of digital enablement programs they have to grow employees’ adoption. The options included a Digital Champion/Influencer Program, Digital Adoption Platform, Learning Management System, Genius Bars (virtual or physical), Dedicated IT L&D resource, or no current support for digital enablement programs. From this presentation, I learned the importance of digital dexterity in the workplace and how it can impact the organizational growth of the company and its employees, this thought process is suited to any industry all over the world. The other main concept I took away from this presentation was the role of enablement programs, and how they can grow employees’ ability of digital tools and practices. Such as basic computer concepts, other digital suites like Microsoft, and many others. From this, I believe I learned the importance of how focusing on key abilities for employees may be more beneficial to the company than having them do tasks they already have little experience with, having these employees be able to use their best skills would make the workplace better to be able to improve upon these other skills the employee is lacking.


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