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The Basics of Product Management in IT

The activity was an on-demand webinar called \\\”The Basic of Product Management in IT\\\”, it was originally held on December 14th, 2023. Throughout this webinar, the presenter, Alicia Mullery (VP of CIO Peer & Practitioner Research at Gartner), provided us with key insights and an overview of important concepts and best IT development practices for companies and aspiring students looking to jump ahead in the career field. The company that sponsored this webinar is Gartner Inc., a global research and advisory company that provides key information to some of the most important positions to make a company work such as IT, finance, HR, customer service, and support. From this webinar, I learned a lot of valuable information on various key concepts in my IT experience, including the importance product management has in IT while also proving a  strategic process that includes guiding the product throughout its lifecycle. Some examples throughout this webinar that I gained are structuring fusion teams, measuring performance, and evolving platforms. I also learned the importance of product management, which is the process of strategically directing every stage of a product, and how it differs from the role of a Project manager, the planning, processing, and taking charge of specific projects with a focus on the overall progress and coordination needed for accomplishment. This webinar helped me further my understanding of the career I want to be able to focus on, assisting others in companies and being able to have an efficient team throughout any company I come across. Because of this webinar, I feel prepared to assist any team I am apart of wether I am in IT or not by being able to understand how a productive team and having these key concepts of teamwork will truly bring me the success I need.

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