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The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape:

This LinkedIn Learning covered the basics of cybersecurity training and online threats that businesses and companies may encounter. Topics covered in this learning module included malware and ransomware, phishing and smishing, business email compromise, botnets and DDoS attacks, deepfakes, insider threats, unmanaged IoT Devices, Shadow IT and supply chain attacks, and third-party risks. To execute a cyberattack, a hacker would need to understand how to manipulate the human mind and have a comprehensive understanding of a system’s technical engineering. The most important factor to prevent such cyber-attacks is to implement training for employees and management to understand the dangers of cybersecurity attacks. A cybersecurity attack may cost a company its entire reputation and irreparable financial burdens so it is crucial to learn of these threats and implement such preventation measures. I will be using this information in my career as I have accepted a role in cybersecurity and privacy!

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