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  • Business analysis
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Business process analysis
  • Data analytics
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Throughout my time in the MIS track here at Temple, I have taken a broad variety of courses. I have taken intro courses that gave me basic IT knowledge, as well as very specific courses such as 3501 which focuses on PHP coding, SQL, PDO, and MVC.

Here is a list of the most important classes I have taken so far:

MIS major courses:

Digital Design and Innovation Studio

Info Syst Organizations

Data Centric Application Developement

Data Analytics

Other courses:

Legal Environment of Business

Business Society & Ethics

Business Communications

Managerial Accounting

Excel for Business Applications

Marketing Management

Introduction to Risk Management

Business Statistics

Financial Accounting

Macroeconomic Principles

Microeconomics Principles

Flash Research Papers

TierIII data center and Networking

Virtualization and Cloud Computing

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