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School District of Philadelphia Internship

At the School District of Philadelphia, I worked as the facilities management intern. I was responsible for helping transfer the paper copies of information effectively and accurately into the new database system they were creating. As a result, I copied, organized, and filed over 200 papers daily to ensure that all the information going into the new system was accurate and no information was missing. In the few months of my internship, I helped transfer over 10% of the written information into the computer system.

Additionally, because of the implementation of the new processing system, much of the information that was on the school district’s database had to be re-organized. I designed 2-3 Excel spreadsheets weekly to compile all the school district’s different facilities with their new managers. Doing this established which manager was in charge of which facility and made assigning responsibilities more effective and efficient. Along with the spreadsheets, I developed surveys for facility workers. Many of them do not speak fluent English, so having surveys that explicitly explained what forms they need to fill out and how they should go about it made it easier for the workers to comprehend and prevented upper management from having to deal with the same questions repeatedly.

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