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Mentorship Program

Mentorship Experience 2019-2020

Joining the AIS Mentorship Program for the fall semester was one of the best decisions that I made as a freshman MIS major. As an incoming freshman, exposure to AIS, as well as the MIS major, was critical in gaining insight into the MIS degree and the plentiful opportunities within AIS. My mentor, Sean Boyer, was amazing.  One of the goals that I had set early in the semester included completing all three membership tracks, a task that I completed with ease because Sean helped me feel involved within the organization. During the second semester, Sean was able to help me select my classes for the coming semester as well as help me enhance my resume. During this entire year, Sean helped me in immeasurable ways, from introducing me to MIS Department Faculty and encouraging me to get more involved within AIS to suggesting me for a position on the Optimize Consulting Group team. His guidance helped me become more involved as well as excited for the coming years. I am very thankful for having the opportunity to learn so much from such a friendly, motivated, and caring friend.

Mentorship Experience 2020 Fall

Rejoining the AIS mentorship program for the Fall semester of 2020 was one of the most valuable parts to being apart of this incredible SPO. My mentor, Dave Walters, assisted me in ways that I will carry through the rest of my college career and beyond. Some of the ways he assisted me include enhancing my resume, providing suggestions for enrolling in classes for the coming semester, and setting a few goals for the semester. One of these goals included reaching out to a recruiter who Dave introduced me to. Continuing to take advantage of the mentorship program has allowed me to continue growing as a friend and peer, all while contributing to AIS, the organization that has confirmed time and time again that Temple is the right college for me.


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