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LinkedIn Learning

How to Find and Use Your Strengths – Professional Skills


In this LinkedIn Learning module, psychologist Lea Waters teaches us positive psychology; that when we feel our best, we do our best work. Leaning into our strengths, things that we are good at and that we enjoy, we tend to do our most meaningful and life-giving work. This leads to higher levels of productivity and performance. Amplifying strengths and managing negativity is a great way to re-amp productivity and kick a work slump. We can improve our mental feeling by succeeding at things that we are typically good at. Rather than harping over our weaknesses and getting discouraged in our performance, by doing things we excel at, we can bring more to our teams and workplaces. Laughter, nature, and self-soothing are great ways to re-regulate our bodies into a positive state of mind. Utilizing these skills, as well as recognizing and utilizing our strengths is an incredible ability to have in the workforce, teams, and everyday life.

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