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Stage 5 – Respond: The final layer of your cyber-defence-in-depth strategy

In this webinar, the speaker talked about cybersecurity and how it should be handled within an organization. There should always be precautions set in place to prevent cyber criminals from invading the company and its important that those who don\\\’t work directly with technology are made aware of what could happen and how to deal with it. Companies will sometimes send out emails that are similar to phishing emails to see who would click on a link that could potentially expose the company. Once a company has been exposed its important to contact it immediately and address the issue as soon as possible.

The speaker also mentioned how to handle the media if a company gets hacked and how important it is to be honest especially as a publicly traded company or one that handles private/personal information. When asked you don\\\’t have to provide a lot of information. You would just need to acknowledge that there was some sort of breach that it is currently being addressed and more information will be provided in the future.

As someone interested in project management and cybersecurity, it was interesting to see how cyber attacks were dealt with on a management level and not just a technical one. With so many stakeholders being involved, it\’s not just a small team that you have to worry about.

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