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Who’s On Your Network? A Look at Insider Threats

I attended this live Zoom webinar on December 15th, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM.  The sponsoring organization for this webinar was ITACS. The speaker was Tim Black who is an Internal Audit Director for Cyber-Security at Vanguard.

What I learned from the webinar

In this webinar, I learned about what insider threats are, who insider threats usually are, and what you can do to detect and prevent them from happening. An insider threat is the risk that an insider will use their authorized access to do harm to their organization. (definition taken from National Insider Threat Task Force).  Insider threats can possibly be negligent or poorly trained staff in an organization. Examples of people in organizations who can be insider threats are employees, contractors, and system administrators. Some possible reasons for someone to be an insider threat are money, hardships, debt, and negative reviews. Risks to an organization from  insider threats are financial loss, damaged reputation( can lose clients), fraud, service disruption, data loss, and IP theft.

This activity relates to my career goals in that I am participating in this activity to earn PRO points. The career goal relating to this activity is to graduate with  a college degree so I can get hired in a profession related to my major.

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