Use these questions to help you prepare for assessments or exams. Note that these questions are not specifically the ones that will be on either the assessment or exam; the goal of answering these is for you to go back into the readings and gain a deeper understanding.
- What is the internet? Think of some activities on your device that require the internet. Now think of some activities that you could do WITHOUT the internet.
- Define a LAN and a WAN. How do these work? How does the internet interact with these?
- What is Web 3.0? Compare this to Web 2.0. How does it differ and/or stay the same?
- Can you name some things in your life that are connected to the Internet of Things? What does it mean to be part of the IoT?
- What is blockchain? How does the security of this technology operate? How could this be used in a business?
- Review SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. What is the main purpose of each? Think of an example where you might need each one.
- What is Collaboration Software? Have you ever used this kind of software before? What benefits does using this bring?
- What are the 4 criteria for a block to be added to a blockchain?
- Name some benefits and limitations of Cloud Computing
- What is a GPS? Name some uses for it, both personally and for businesses.