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Flash Papers from MIS 2501

On this page you will find the final versions of the flash research papers that I completed while taking MIS 2501. I think the increase in quality in the papers can be seen the farther down on the list you go. 

The topics always varied, but there was a strict format we needed to follow. It had to be only one page long. The first paragraph was the hook or the introduction to the topic. The second paragraph had to include the technology’s capabilities, and finally, the last paragraph needed to be a business case that made an argument as to why the new technology should be implemented. Easy to understand, but a bit more difficult to craft.

All files are in PDF format.

Flash Paper 1

Flash Paper 2

Flash Paper 3

Flash Paper 4

Flash Paper 5

Flash Paper 6

Flash Paper 7 (Exam 2)

Flash Paper 8

Flash Paper 9

Flash Paper 10

Flash Paper 11 (Exam 3)



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