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Temple University Resident Assistant

Hardwick Hall RA's 2010-2011!


Since fall 2010, I have been a Resident Assistant for Temple University. I have had all-male floors as well as co-ed floors. I currently am an RA in the biggest residence hall on campus which holds over 1,000 students. It is an awesome experience and I encourage anyone thinking about becoming an RA to do so. It forces you to become a better critical thinker, problem solver, and has opened my eyes to so many views on life.


There are days when answering a simple question may be what determines if a student will stay at Temple, or fix a conflict going on with a roommate. Being an RA is certainly the hardest if not one of the hardest jobs on a college campus, because there are no specific work hours. I have gotten knocks on my door at 3 a.m. for people being locked out, sick, or just in need of a person to lend an ear for a chat. It makes me appreciate people’s differences every day. Go to the Temple University Housing Video by clicking the “Living Here” tab to see what a resident’s perspective is like living in a residence hall!

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