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Fireside Chat: Ron Kim What are the Pros and Cons of Careers in Consulting vs. Corporate?

Where: Virtual through Zoom

When: 2/24/2021 @12pm

Who? Ron Kim is currently the Chief Technology Officer of Merck. With extensive IT experience in consulting throughout his career.



  • How career paths are not as rigid and their is great flexibility to switch between fields/jobs.
  • Learning to get out of your comfort zone and experience different roles at other companies.
  • At a point in your career with experience on your resume you have more freedom to change firms/roles.
  • Consulting is very fast moving from one job to another meeting people. While corporate your entering workplaces where people been their for years. (Different Workplace Dynamic)
  • Number one factor in career success is people skills. Especially for consulting being dropped into a company as an outsider.


This relates to my career goals as it gives students a better look into working in consulting versus corporate out of college.




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