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How To Get Booked on Podcasts Without a PR Team by Danielle Desir

This webinar was hosted by Danielle Desire, she is an Indie podcaster who has her own podcast called The Thought Card. Danielle spoke about what you should do, and should not do when reaching out to podcast hosts, and asking for an interview. Danielle went over the definition of a pitch, which is a short email sent to a podcast host that outlines the relevance of being a guest on a podcast. The email should be straightforward, and not extremely long, since most podcasts hosts are already very busy. The email should contain an outline of what you plan on talking about and include a catchy subject line. Danielle explained the benefits of pitching and how it benefits both parties, for example, by pitching to a podcast host, you can expand your audience, as well as help, grow the audience of the host. Although I do not seek a career in the podcast industry, I feel that pitching can help especially when reaching out to employers and businesses for when I network.

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