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Mindful Stress Management

This LinkedIn Learning course taught me about the management of stress. At first, I thought it was going to be an overview of how to deal with stress, however, it was very interactive and went through a whole meditating session. The speaker of the course, Darrell, reinforced the idea of the relationship we have with stress. He informed us that stress is something that we will encounter almost every day. We cannot simply try to avoid stress, for this is very unlikely and will result in stressing even more. One of the key points Darrell made, was that practice is key. Even if we practice just a minute a day, or 30 minutes a day, we will be able to better handle our stress and work with it if we practice meditation. While going through the course, I really felt the effects of the meditation techniques that Darrell showed us, and I feel that I will begin to incorporate these techniques whenever I feel high volumes of stress. I feel that these techniques will come in handy later in the semester, as well as in the semesters to come.

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