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Hobbies and Interests

Tetris, the world’s most famous tile matching puzzle video game, has been one of my favorite past time hobbies ever since I first played it on the Nintendo Game Boy in 2000. Fourteen years later, this game has developed to become more than just a hobby for me. Playing Tetris activates my brain’s agility and forces me to act fast, enables me to predict certain outcome, and makes me think of ways to change things around to make them work, it has became my daily mental exercise.

I was never a fan of sports, until I played Lacrosse. After joining my high school’s Lacrosse Team, I instantly fell in love. Not only did lacrosse enable me to get healthy and exercise, but it has also  teaches me how to be on a team, and it also greatly enhanced my communication skills. In addition, through lacrosse, I was able to learn that it’s okay to lose, you just have to work and train  harder, be even more disciplined,  preserve through difficult circumstances, and you will ultimately achieve your goals.

Growing up, I’ve always had a strong interest in cars. However, it was never a hobby until I got my very first car. With the help of Google, I was able to teach myself more and more about cars, its mechanics, maintenance, and etc.. I learned how to dismantle parts and then put it back together, I’ve also learned how to diagnostic occurring problems. In addition, paying close attention to the cosmetics of my car has gave me a keen ability to pay strict attention to detail; I can almost spot any new hair line scratches within seconds. Eventually, that led me to develop a new passion and interest for car modding, maintenance, and detailing.

A fun fact that most of my friends probably don’t know about me, is that I love to read. Not only does it expands my horizon, and gives me something different and new to enjoy each time, it also enriches my vocabulary along with bettering my writing skills. The genre of book that I tend to buy the most are the ones with a fictional storyline. My favorite Arthur is Nicholas Spark, he’s a remarkable author that can take you from happiness to tragedy and everything in between in 300 pages like no one else. In additional to Nicholas Sparks’ fictional romance novels, I am also a big fan of Rick Riordan, the creator of the Lighting Thief, and his fictional fantasy series.

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