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I attended high school in Nigeria and came to the United States for my university education. The following are the schools I attended:



Temple University is an outstanding university with the Fox School of Business being among the top business schools in the United States. I hope to graduate in January 2015 as an Accounting major. Coming to Temple University from Nigeria has been a very fulfilling experience for me because of the several opportunities I have encountered in the city of Philadelphia. Being a Temple student has exposed me to diverse individuals and has helped enhance my professional skills. The people I have met at Temple, have made my experience worthwhile and I am proud to be an Owl.





For high school, I attended Vivian Fowler Memorial College for Girls. At this school, I was taught that hard work pays off. As a result I was awarded two scholarships by the school. As the motto says “In Pursuit of Excellence”, I always strive to be the very best I can be.

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