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Career Interests and Aspirations


Although I am already a beauty guru and makeup artist, I do want to  make it  higher. I want to become a professional makeup artist and do  makeup for even  more people, more events and be recognized by  many. I love having a job that  I’m in love with because then it’s not  going to be a burden. My love for makeup  is still growing and being  able to be a part of someone’s special day is a happy  moment.



As you already know, fashion is important to me. My main goal is to become a wardrobe stylist and sales/brand representative.  I love dressing people and helping them find their own style. Not only will I be able to teach others but also myself because as trends come and go, I learn to work with new trends and incorporate them into my daily wardrobe. Being a sales/brand representative would allow me to work for an amazing fashion company and get a firsthand look at new samples at showrooms and meet with buyers from all over. Also, I can work on the marketing side of things and meet with editors and bloggers.



The kitchen is one of my favorite rooms in my house. It’s where  my passion for cooking and baking grows. The whole artistry of  savory  foods and sweets intrigue me and I want to make it a big  part of my life. Besides making food for my family and friends, I  want to reach out to  more. I want to open up my own  cafe because I feel that people should live to eat, not eat to  live. Being able to eat something delicious warms up the soul and gives you something to smile about. It creates happiness.

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