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Journal Entry 10/10/14

This week was off to a rough start because the communication between us and the BA’s was terrible. Only Mike and Eugene were responding to our emails. On Wednesday, Professor Flannagan met with the BA’s in his office and I decided to join the meeting because that was my time to finally meet with the BA’s and explain how communication with the PM’s is very crucial. After the BA’s met with Flannagan; Josh, Bakari, and myself finally met with the BA’s! Our meeting went very well and we established meeting times and the progression on their project. The BA’s are going to meet every Friday around 9am. The BA’s and PM’s are going to meet every Friday around 1pm. We met with the BA’s again today and we went over the scope document and discussed JustInMind. The meeting was successful today because we have established how communication is important and we want to help the BA’s succeed. We still have not met Harold and he was not at Flanagan’s Wednesday meeting.

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