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Weekly Journal Entry 10/17/14

Communication with the BAs has improved from previous weeks and this is the second week in a row where I have met with the BAs. We had a meeting today but only me, Mike, and Lamar were in attendance. We discussed about their status on the project, JustInMind, and the extra credit. I was also informed that Harold has spoke to Flanagan and the team is going to give him “one more chance” in regards to the project and attending meetings. Communication has been better between the BAs and PMs and that is shown through email responses. In two weeks the BAs have their scenarios due so I scheduled a meeting for next Thursday for the BAs to meet with the PMs so we can guide them in the right direction. Unfortunately, I will not be at the meeting on Thursday because I will be at my internship. Hopefully Harold will be at the next meeting along with the rest of the BAs so we can all be at eye level regarding the project.

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