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CIS 1048 – Information Science and Technology

Tech Byte: Introducing New Technology

Every student in CIS 1048 had to make a presentation on an up-and-coming technology that they found to be noteworthy. I really enjoy services such as Groupon and LivingSocial and had been using the mobile payments platform LevelUp for about a year so I was excited to present on the application, which is part e-commerce, part mobile payments, and part CRM. LevelUp is a great service that offers advantages to both the retailer and the customer.

Tech Byte: LevelUp Presentation


Gartner Research: Customer Relationship Management Software

My team and I were assigned to use Gartner to research CRM software and create a presentation on our findings. My portion is attached below and focused on the underpinnings and background behind CRM and how can be leveraged to a firm’s benefit.

Gartner Research – CRM Presentation


Final Project: Marriott’s CRM

For our final project, my team and I were asked to research and present on the before and after environment for Marriott, regarding their newly implemented CRM. We were able to gain further insight on the benefits of a well-implemented CRM while gaining historical information on Marriott and the evolution of their business platform. My portion of the project focused on historical data.

Final Project: Marriott CRM Presentation


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