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Thinkful Webinar: Getting Started in Tech

  1. This webinar was hosted by Thinkful, and it took place on November 27th, 2018.
  2. This event focused on careers in the IT world, particularly in the development field. The host explained the 4 different types of developer roles (Front end, back end, full stack, and QA) and the languages and skills that each role must possess in order to be successful. She also discussed how quickly the IT field is growing and that many of the jobs will be filled by people without computer science degrees. The demand for jobs in this area is greater than the supply. I learned about the difference in career trajectory for an average job compared to a developer. Developers tend to have more \”lateral\” movement, or increased responsbilities without receiving an official position promotion. I also learned about how to get into the development world without any experience. She talked about the importance of learning the skills, making a portfolio to show your work, and  preparing for technical interviews. Overall, this webinar gave me a good understanding of the different types of developers and how to get into this increasingly demanded field.
  3. The host talked a lot about the importance of understanding Javascript, HTML, and CSS. This is exactly what we are learning in Data Centric Application Development. We did not discuss any coding itself, but it was great to see that what I am learning in class directly ties into what developers are doing in the real world. I have considered entering the development career field, and this webinar did a great job at explaining what I should expect and how to successfully start in this career.
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