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Academic History

First, I went to high school at “Lycée Montalembert,” located in Courbevoie, France. I got my high school diploma there in June 2007.


High School Diploma

Then, I went to college at “Universite de Cergy-Pontoise,” located in Cergy-Saint-Christophe, France. I got my “Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie,” which is equivalent to an Associate of Applied Science degree (marketing major) in June 2009.

Associate Degree

Associate Degree Diploma

The next year in the same college, I got my “Licence Professionnelle Management et Gestion Commerciale,” equivalent to a professional bachelor’s degree (commercial management major) and graduated in 2010 with an overall GPA of 3.45.

Professional Bachelor’s Degree Diploma

Professional Bachelor’s Degree Diploma

When I arrived in the United States in 2011, I was first enrolled in the intensive English language program (IELP) offered at Temple University. After six months, I passed my TOEFL IBT test and was accepted to Temple University in August 2011 as a transferred student.


Today, I am a marketing major student, seeking a Bachelor degree in Business Administration at the Fox School of Business. My overall GPA is at 3.75 and I have been on the Dean’s list since the of Spring 2012. I am expecting to graduate in August 2014 and wishing to start my professional career the same year.


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