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Hobbies & Interests

My father used to be a music teacher and has a rich musical background. He transferred his interest to me and I am really passionate about music as well. I am not restricted to a specific kind of music. I love a variety of musical genres from different countries of the world. Something else I really enjoy doing on my spare time is watching movies. I love several kinds of movies; from dramas to actions or thrillers.

musicnotes  crash2






I also love traveling and discovering different cultures. I have been to several countries of Europe (England, Spain, Switzerland …) and Africa (Gabon, Burkina Faso, Tunis…). I not only plan to go outside Philadelphia to visit other states but also, I would like to go to Asia in the future and visit Japan, Vietnam and India.


I also love cooking and my specialties are African food, French food and desserts. I sometimes enjoy coming up with my own cooking recipes too.


My dessert specialty

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