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A question we all hear “What is BIG DATA”?  

Well, big data is being generated by everything around us at all times. Every digital process and social media exchange produces it. Systems, sensors, and mobile devices transmit it. Big data is arriving from multiple sources at an alarming velocity, volume and variety. To extract meaningful value from big data, you need optimal processing power, analytic capabilities and skills.


Big data is changing the way people within organizations work. It is creating a culture in which business and IT leaders must join to realize value from all data. Big data enables us in making better decisions, preventing threats, and optimizing operations.

How does big data relate to Data Analytics?

As I learned from my Data Analytics class. There is two types of data:
1- Transactional Data: This type of data is responsible for capturing data that describes an event, it is an exchange between two roles and it takes place in real-time.
2- Analytical Data: captures data to support the analysis and reporting, it is an aggregated view of the business and contains historical data.

How does Transactional data and Analytical Data relate?

OLTP: Online transaction processing where data is put in a transactional Database, which is where real-time transactional data bases get stored. The second step is the data gets extracted into an Analytical Data store, which stores historical transactional and summarizes data; also called OLAP: Online analytical processing. Once the data gets processed we have the data analysis.

Big Data in action!


An example of how big data is interpreted in our daily lives is Dropbox. For whoever doesn’t know what is Dropbox. It is an online storage company where you are able to save files that you can carry wherever you go like an invisible flash memory that can be accessible from any smart device. Start-up companies as well as fortune 500 companies use this amazing software.
If you do not have a box account I would recommend it:


Fun facts about Big Data please visit following links:
Hope you enjoy these videos as much as I did!

My References

Dropbox Has Quietly Acquired Parastructure, A Big Data Startup In Stealth


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